Monday, April 4, 2011

It's a waste of time and doesn't work!

These are two of the biggest things I hear when I speak all over in reference to Social Media in business today. Is it the truth, or is it just the excuse the individual uses because they are not comfortable "selling" themselves to people?

Are they actually selling themselves or simply educating their friends and others as to what it is they do? Imagine if you had a business want or need, and didn't know who to turn to, and then later on found out that a good friend of yours or neighbor actually does what your need is for a living. Is there anyone you would rather have working with you or representing you than someone you already know?

FaceBook: It is simply your Sphere of Influence, and with over 600 million people on it, how can you deny this, or put it into the category of a "fad"? Never before have you been able to cost effectively market yourself or product to this segment which is statistically speaking the best area to get a return on your investment. It is cost effective, and you can market to them daily now, no more time consuming and costly mailings and ads. With FaceBook, the key is to be both a real person, and learn to market yourself without coming across as marketing yourself.

Twitter: If you are not a Sports Athlete, Rock Star, or Celebrity it is not one of the best areas to get a return on your time investment. I ruffle a lot of feathers with this statement, but so many educators teach people to join this Media because of the "aura" that surrounds it. In my opinion Twitter is 150 million people all trying to sell things to each other. I ask you have you ever gone to Twitter to do research on an expert or product? With this said, Twitter can be a great way to increase your Sphere of Influence if used properly, certain free applications like TwitterLocal.net or NearbyTweets.com can let you know of the local "active" people tweeting in your area. Use Twitter to sell yourself directly and become the expert to a whole new segment, and build your Sphere.

LinkedIn: The business people, the decision makers, it is the party of the "in" people, the crowd you want to be associated with. With the average age of 41, it is not a kids site. Many will say it is a Media that is for getting jobs, so true, but the reason it is, is because the decision makers of the companies you want to work at are there. So many ways to maximise with this site, but most importantly, create a great profile (an online resume) and get recommendations. The beauty is that you can be selling yourself to people you want to everyday by simply having it "out" there.

These are the three Medias you need to be using if you want to be able to get your message to the widest audience cost effectively. You can either do it now while not everyone is using it, and carve your niche, or you can wait until you are forced to in the changing business world. That younger generation that is coming up not only knows how to use these Medias way beyond what over 35 people do, but have numbers of followers that they cannot comprehend. The question I ask is how do you beat these new entrepreneurs coming up?

Experience, that is what the younger generation lacks. Imagine if YOU are one of the people who can step out of your comfort zone and start marketing yourself using the Medias properly, how much you can benefit during this window time period. I say window meaning that soon the way business is being done is going to change.

Real Estate is one of the greatest examples, the average age of a Real Estate agent is much higher than most industries, and when computers came in they lagged behind, when email became the way to communicate, they hopped on the band wagon way after everyone else. Do you think they will shift and change quickly this time? I think not, which means that those that do, are going to benefit like you would not believe.

The Medias now make it so you can contact and get your message to the masses, and get them to contact you! The key, is what to use. Understand the human behavior that stops most, and how simple systems put in place properly, will move you toward the life you dream of.

I show people what to use, and how monetize. I could have made this a 50 page document, but I give you a taste, and when I speak you will know how to capture leads with ease.

James Goddard
Author of 101 Ways to Use Social Media in Real Estate and
Freedom For a Day (Mindset)

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