Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tony Hsieh right after he basically sold Zappos for 1 Billion Dollars

Gave a speech, and I have to say I was all ears thinking that a billion dollars is a rather large sum of money, wondered what someone like that would do for the rest of his life?
First I must step back though, I knew he was going to be speaking, and I had been looking around. When I saw where they were I saw him and thought "oh how nice of this man to bring his son with him". Boy was I glad I didn't go say anything to him, for I was about to learn that Tony Hsieh was just a kid. Now to add to it even more I found out he had sold another company for 267 million a few years earlier. So what is this man going to talk about I wondered? He spoke of creating a company environment that had never been heard of before, it is even set up that you have to go through a training program, and at any point you can quit and they will give you $3,000 to quit, you see they want a dedicated happy employee. I felt so fortunate to be able to chat with him one on one for a few moments, he was even kind enough to give me a testimonial for my book Freedom For a Day(how excited was I : ) and got a great picture where I felt like I was an envious child looking up to this mature man... he is high on "happiness" so if you have the opportunity to read his new book "Delivering Happiness" you will be glad you did!

James Goddard Author of
Freedom For a Day

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